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Talcum Powder Lawsuits Shine Spotlight on Talc & Asbestos


With Johnson & Johnson more and more in the spotlight after losing the third talcum powder/ovarian cancer trial in a row, many women have questions about the use of Johnson & Johnson products containing talc. In 2013 a jury found in favor of the plaintiff in a J & J talcum powder case—but awarded no damages. In February of this year a St. Louis jury awarded $72 million in a wrongful death claim involving J & J’s talcum powder, and just recently, another jury awarded a plaintiff $55 million for an injury case involving J & J’s talcum powder and ovarian cancer. There are currently more than 1,200 talcum powder lawsuits pending against Johnson & Johnson.

The First J & J Talcum Powder Trial

Fox’s case followed a case filed by South Dakota resident Deane Berg, in 2013. Although Berg’s claim that Johnson & Johnson was negligent for failing to warn her of the potential risks between talcum powder and ovarian cancer was upheld by the jury, Berg was awarded no damages.  Berg was not deterred by the lack of a monetary award, however, stating her case at least paved the way for all those women who may have developed ovarian cancer after using talcum powder for feminine hygiene. Berg likened the results of her trial to that of the first smokers who sued Big Tobacco. Few of those pioneers received compensation, Berg said, but “the dangers and the conspiracy were finally exposed.”

Since then, juries have found in favor of plaintiffs and awarded damages. Recently Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay $72 million and $55 million respectively in two back-to-back cases.

Talc Fibers May Migrate to the Ovaries, Causing Inflammation

Women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, who used Johnson & Johnson baby powder with talc or Shower to Shower can have their medical records and pathology reports examined by a talcum powder ovarian cancer expert to determine whether talc played a part in the disease. Talc fibers may be found in a woman’s ovaries or fallopian tubes; many believe the talc fibers migrate through the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, and into the ovaries, where the fibers cause inflammation, and, eventually ovarian cancer.

Talcum Powder’s Relation to Asbestos

Prior to the 1970’s, talcum powder products were frequently contaminated with asbestos, which is a known carcinogen. This is likely due to the fact that talc and asbestos are often found in close proximity of one another. Despite the fact that asbestos is no longer an issue, it now appears talc has its own risks. The average woman’s lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is about 1.4 percent in the U.S. Some studies have found that this risk increases to about 1.8 percent when talcum powder is used for feminine hygiene. Other risk factors for ovarian cancer include family history, age, obesity, estrogen therapy and the use of fertility drugs.

Contact Our Talcum Powder Lawsuit Lawyers

Washington DC Based Talcum Powder Lawsuit Attorney Aaron M. LevineIf you or someone you love has developed ovarian cancer after using a talc-based product, such as baby powder or Shower-to-Shower, it is important to know that you have legal options. We can help you take part in national lawsuits that are happening all across the country. At Aaron Levine & Associates, our Washington DC-based firm and our talcum powder lawsuit attorneys are ready to help you seek justice. Call us today for a free initial consultation and review of your case.

VIDEO: Ovarian Cancer? Talcum Powder May be to Blame

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